Bachelor of Science In Actuarial Science

Through our program, you will learn to solve problems using mathematical, probabilistic, 以及评估未来风险和突发事件的统计工具,以帮助你做出决策,使你成为全球公司和政府机构都在寻找的全面发展的求职者.

Turn Your Love of Math into a Successful Career

纯数学之美激发了一些人一生的激情. How do you make a career out of it, though? You harness pure mathematics and put it to work. You turn it into applied mathematics. 精算学是数学最强大的应用之一, 它可以成为一种职业,使你能够做你最喜欢的事情,同时成为一个高需求的专业人士,拥有巨大的收入能力.

What is an actuary? Simply, an actuary measures and manages risk for businesses, enabling them to make sound and strategic decisions. Besides having a profound understanding of mathematics, actuaries have serious skills in statistics and business management.

This program leads to success

The University of New Haven's B.S. 在精算学提供了追求一个成功的职业生涯作为一个精算师所需的数学背景, financial analyst, or market research analyst upon graduation.

Through the program, you will learn to:

  • solve problems involving essential mathematical computations
  • employ various computational software
  • 运用数学、概率和统计工具来评估未来的风险和偶然事件
  • demonstrate a command of advanced mathematical topics
  • 掌握企业和政府机构所需要的商业技能
A lifetime of earning potential

两个精算组织——精算师协会(SOA)和伤亡精算协会(CAS)——管理一系列涉及精算科学各个主题的九项考试. 专业精算师通过这些考试是期望的,但不是必须的. Typically, 通过一到三个考试后,学生将在初级精算师就业市场上具有竞争力. 我们的课程有课程和考试准备研讨会,让你为前三个考试做好准备.


Hartford, 康涅狄格州——大型保险公司和精算咨询公司的传奇中心——距离酒店只有40分钟的路程. 安泰(Aetna)、旅行者(Travelers)、哈特福德(The Hartford)和联合医疗(United Healthcare)等保险公司都把哈特福德作为他们的家. 学生将有令人兴奋的机会在这些著名的公司实习,并吸引寻找全职员工的经理的注意.

Envision Your Future

下面的信息旨在展示你可以从事的许多职业. The research is provided by Encoura, 领先的研究和咨询公司专注于高等教育. 它包括全国工资中位数和未来十年的行业增长预测. Click here to view the full report.


Financial Managers

12% Growth 2021-2030



15% Growth 2021-2030



26% Growth 2021-2030

Selected Courses and Programs
  • Axiomatic study of probability: sample spaces, combinatorical analysis, independence and dependence, Bayes’ Theorem, discrete and continuous random variables, functions of a random variable, sums of random variables, joint distribution functions, moment generating functions, central limit theorem. 3 credits.

  • 这是金融数学基础的第一门课程, 应用于计算各种现金流的现值和累积价值. These will form a basis for future use in reserving, pricing, valuation, duration calculation, asset/liability management, investment income, capital budgeting, and valuing contingent cash flows. 3 credits.

  • 主题包括使用分析和计算工具处理数值数据的技术, e.g., signal processing and post-processing data, numerical and functional approximation for data analysis, and statistical methods.

  • 介绍财务管理的原则和金融市场和机构对管理职能的影响. 分析重点将放在投资的工具和技术上, financing, and dividend decision. In addition, the institutional aspects of financial markets, including a description of financial instruments, will be developed. 课程的结构是每周两小时的授课,一小时的实践应用.

  • 最优决策结构的综合分析相对于公司财务决策的职能领域. 重点是发展对投资决策模型的应用和限制的理解, financing, and dividend decisions of the corporation. Topics include firm valuation, capital budgeting, risk analysis, cost of capital, capital structure, and working capital management.

  • 网赌上分平台提供各种各样的深度课程,为我们的学生创造一个转型的教育体验. 查看课程的完整列表,你会采取,而追求科学的精算科学学士学位, check out the Academic Catalog:

    Actuarial Science, B.S..

    Mathematics Minor.

Learn from professors who are dedicated to your success.

我们的教师是各自领域的领导者和创新者,带来了深厚的专业经验 and academic rigor to the classroom.

Charger Advantage


Nationally Recognized Center for Career Development

所有网赌上分平台的学生都可以使用学校的许多资源 Career Development Center, which has been named one of the best in the nation by The Princeton Review.

From career assessments, networking, and job shadowing to on-campus interviews and salary negotiation, 职业发展中心提供技能和人脉,帮助你找到有意义的职业,并为你提供追求激情的机会.

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Upcoming Events

Various Dates

Saturday, June 8

Next Steps
  • Admission Requirements

    不管你是在读高中还是刚从另一所大学转过来, 我们为来自美国国内的本科生提供全职和兼职的机会.S. and abroad. 录取过程可以在你高中三年级结束时开始.

    The Application Process

  • Financial Aid Opportunities

    We offer a comprehensive financial aid program, with students receiving assistance in the form of grants, scholarships, student loans, and part-time employment. Funds are available from federal and state governments, private sponsors, and from university resources. 超过85%的大学全日制本科生获得某种形式的经济援助.

    Learn More