Develop a Foundation to Excel

The University of New Haven’s Core Curriculum challenges you to think critically and teaches you how to live and work as global citizens. You’ll develop the soft skills employers are seeking – outside of your expertise in your major – enabling you to differentiate yourself once you start your job search.

Become a Lifelong Learner

The University of New Haven’s robust core curriculum was designed to foster interdisciplinary interactions that enable students to develop as educated individuals who better understand and relate to diverse people, succeed in their chosen careers, and become lifelong learners.

是什么让核心课程如此有价值和有意义? It was developed around the central goal of instilling in students the key attributes that employers value – communication, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, the ability to analyze data, and intercultural awareness, among the primary ones – that are essential to success in any career path and to being an engaged citizen.

Introduction to the University Core Curriculum

The University of New Haven is a student-centered comprehensive university with an emphasis on excellence in liberal arts and professional education. Our mission is to prepare our students to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives in a global society by providing the highest-quality education through experiential, collaborative, and discovery-based learning.

网赌上分平台受过教育的人表现出文科的平衡, professional, and experiential education. General education is addressed through the University Core Curriculum (as outlined below) and discipline education is addressed through the major requirements within each program. The University of New Haven experience also includes two additional core skills that fully round out the general education program: experiential learning and writing across the curriculum.

Experiential Education

All University of New Haven undergraduates complete at least one of the four pillars of experiential education: academic service-learning, study abroad, an internship, or faculty-mentored research prior to graduation. Academic programs may specify the particular experiential education pillar(s) required for successful completion. Students are encouraged, however, 追求尽可能多的体验式教育机会.

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)

“W”表示写作密集课程. 每个网赌上分平台的本科生都必须至少选修一门“W”课程, whether as part of the Core or through a major’s requirements and electives prior to graduation. 这一要求适用于所有学士和副学士学位.

University Core Curriculum Overview

The Core encourages interdisciplinary interaction; establishes competency-based outcomes throughout the institution; provides flexibility in achieving those outcomes; and allows for a standardized campus-wide assessment of the general education requirements. The University of New Haven’s Core Curriculum strives to develop nine basic competencies among its undergraduate students so they may better understand and relate to diverse people, succeed in their chosen careers, 并在完成学业后追求终身学习.

The design of the core is inspired greatly by the American Association of Colleges and Universities’ "LEAP Model"—Liberal Education for America’s Promise. The LEAP initiative seeks to make excellence inclusive by providing essential learning outcomes, high-impact educational practices, and authentic assessments. 这种LEAP模式被用于创建符合独特使命的大学核心, purposes, and identity of the University of New Haven.

The University Core aims to graduate students who:

  • communicate effectively, both in writing and orally,
  • 运用定量技术从数据中获得有用的信息;
  • think critically and solve real world problems,
  • appreciate scientific exploration of the natural world,
  • 意识到他们在更大的社会中的角色和责任,
  • embrace the diversity of cultural differences,
  • 作为自己国家和世界的公民有效地参与,并且
  • appreciate the aesthetic value of artistic works.

九种能力类别中的每一种都有两层期望. Tier 1 provides breadth through a fundamental set of outcomes that every student will complete, where as Tier 2 provides depth through higher-level learning outcomes related to more focused content. Tier 2 courses can be selected by the student if not prescribed by the student’s major program. In consultation with a faculty adviser, and based on degree requirements, 每个学生将从九个类别中选择核心课程.

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Learning Outcomes for the Core Curriculum Competencies

Category Tier 1 Learning Outcomes Tier 2 Learning Outcomes
CC1 - Written Communication The student can:
  1. Produce effective writing that demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among audience, purpose, and voice.
  2. Craft a written response to multiple texts that puts the student’s ideas into conversation with those in the texts.
  3. Develop a writing process that incorporates invention, research, drafting, sharing with others, revision, editing, and reflection.
The student can:
  1. Communicate within the writing conventions of a specific discipline through attention to tone, format, and style.
  2. 撰写书面作业,展示对学科概念的掌握.
  3. Craft a written response to professional writing that puts the student’s ideas into a disciplinary conversation.
CC2 - Oral Communication and Presentation The student can:
  1. 对听众和目的进行适当的口头陈述.
  2. 解释沟通理论的基本原理.
  3. 使口语交际适应不同的人际环境, such as group discussion, leadership, and conflict situations.
The student can:
  1. Apply communication principles to team building.
  2. Adapt communication to intercultural contexts.
  3. 将说服方法整合到口头陈述或互动中.
CC3 – Mathematical and Quantitative Literacy The student can:
  1. 运用数学概念和原理来解决问题.
  2. 区分数学信息的多种表示形式.
  3. Assess mathematical reasonableness and consistency.
The student can:
  1. 生成基于抽象概念的数学模型.
  2. Justify the correctness of a solution based on assumptions made and known limitations of methods used.
  3. 解决涉及多种数学形式和技术的复杂数学问题.

Draw appropriate conclusions as the result of performing quantitative data analysis based on sound assumptions regarding estimation and modeling.

CC4 – Scientific Exploration The student can:
  1. Articulate structural and/or functional aspects of elements of a portion of the natural world.
  2. Use discipline-specific methodologies and technologies to draw conclusions about natural phenomena.
  3. 说明科学知识和进步对社会问题的影响.
The student can:
  1. 评估科学探究的行为和/或设计.
  2. 运用先进的方法/技术进行科学探究.


CC5 – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving The student can:
  1. 撰写针对特定问题的分析性和/或议论文.
  2. Discern the relevance of available information as it pertains to supporting a chosen position.
  3. 针对特定问题提出合理的建议.
The student can:
  1. 综合多个来源的信息来解决问题.
  2. 遵循一个过程来制定一个有效的解决问题的方法.
  3. 评估对问题提出的解决方案的有效性.
CC6 – Historical Perspectives The student can:
  1. Explain the historical interplay of transformational events and movements in one or more broad regions.
  2. 评估第一手和第二手历史资料的观点和可信度.
  3. Examine the impact of different political, economic, socio-cultural, 或者宗教制度对文明历史发展的影响.
The student can:
  1. Examine the historical interplay of transformational events and movements in a specific context.
  2. Evaluate trends and inconsistencies in historical interpretations and/or assessments of events.
  3. Synthesize historical data from primary and secondary sources into coherent analytical arguments that address questions about the past.
CC7 – The Individual and Society The student can:
  1. Relate theories or perspectives on thought, behavior, and decision-making to personal and social awareness.
  2. 阐述社会互动的各种理论或观点.
  3. 反思与道德行为有关的团体或组织成员.
The student can:
  1. 评估个人和/或团体的决策和互动.
  2. 比较和对比关于个人和社会的各种理论/观点.
  3. 在社会责任的背景下表达个人哲学或道德准则.
CC8 – Global and Intercultural Awareness The student can:
  1. 解读另一个社会的物质文化和表现文化的各个方面.
  2. 确定所研究的文化与其他文化之间的差异.
  3. 解释一些与社会身份形成有关的文化习俗.
The student can:
  1. 解释特定地区和/或群体的物质和表达文化的各个方面.
  2. 评估所研究的文化与其他文化之间的差异.
  3. 分析特定地区和/或群体的文化习俗.
CC9 – Perspectives on Creative Arts The student can:
  1. Describe various forms of creative arts as expressive and material culture in social contexts.
  2. Examine the respective roles of technique, process, 以及在各种媒体形式中创作创造性艺术品所需的方法.
  3. Draw conclusions about the use and function of a creative art practice and/or specific artworks within historical and/or cultural contexts.
The student can:
  1. 分析和/或制作一种或多种创造性艺术形式和/或艺术作品.
  2. Incorporate elements of technique, process, and methodology in the making and/or analysis of art.
  3. 运用反思和/或修改在评估或制作艺术.
CCW – Writing Across the Curriculum 以W命名的课程有以下要求:
  1. Maximum student enrollment is 20.
  2. 教师必须提供明确的写作指导, including strategies for developing ideas, organization, style, and mastering discipline-specific formats.
  3. 教师必须结合对写作作业的反馈, including comments related to thesis development, essay structure, organization, mechanics and correctness.
  4. 教师必须强调复习是写作过程的一部分.
  5. 每位学生必须提交至少4500字的修改书面作业.
  6. 教师必须使用写作来促进和扩展主题的学习.e.,写作并不仅仅是为了评估的目的. Students learn through writing.)
