
网赌上分平台 is committed to achieving a diverse and pluralistic 社区 这反映了美国的多种族和多元文化社会 through strict non-discrimination in admissions, educational programs and 就业. 的 commitment to Affirmative Action is also a commitment to be proactive in the continuing 努力使大学的教职员工和学生群体多样化. 的 University will base decisions on 就业 so as to further the principle of equal 就业机会.

  • 性骚扰 是非法的,被以下国家禁止:

    康涅狄格总则-歧视性雇佣行为法(第2节) 4a-60 (a) (8). 以及1964年民权法案第七章(美国法典第42章 第2000e条及其序列.)

    "任何不受欢迎的性挑逗或性要求或任何行为 性本质时. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s  就业 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual  is used as  the basis for 就业 decisions affecting 这样的个人或三个. 这种行为具有实质干扰的目的或效果 与个人的“工作表现”或制造一种恐吓, 充满敌意的, 或者恶劣的工作环境.


    • 不受欢迎的性挑逗
    • 性要求
    • 暗示性的或淫秽的言论
    • Unwanted or inappropriate touching of any kind - staring or leering at parts of a person’s body
    • 因投诉性骚扰而遭到报复
    • 贬损,暗示性或色情海报,漫画,绘画,或屏幕保护程序


    • 停止和终止命令
    • 悬架
    • 终止
    • 欠薪
    • 补偿性损害赔偿
    • 雇用、晋升或复职
    • Individual who engage in such acts or 骚扰 may also be subject to civil and criminal penalties.


    网赌上分平台 is committed to the philosophy that all 社区 members should enjoy an environment free of sexual 骚扰. 预防和消除性骚扰是大学的政策.


    Harassment in relation to race, skin color, personal appearance, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, civil union status, 国籍、年龄或残疾(身体或精神).


    网赌上分平台 is committed to the philosophy that all 社区 members 应该享受一个没有任何骚扰的环境吗. 对……是零容忍的 骚扰 or discrimination of any kind based an individual’s sex, race, color, personal appearance, gender, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, marital 身份,民事结合身份,年龄,残疾,特殊残疾退伍军人身份 或越战老兵或国籍或种族,大学也没有 基于性取向的歧视.

    范围: Applies to all campus personal-就业 candidates, employees, vendors, and contractors.


    如果你有疑问或担心,或相信你或其他人正在被性侵犯 harassed or generally harassed, please contact 珍妮花五 in the Human Resource 学系 (203) 932-7040 安排预约或与任何主管交谈.

    If 如果你觉得你受到了歧视,你也可以联系康涅狄格 Commission of Human Rights and 机会, West Central Regional office #3, Rowland 中心,西主街55号,210室,沃特伯里,CT 06702. 电话203 805-6530.


  • 网赌上分平台遵守所有联邦规定, 状态, 当地的民权法律禁止在就业和教育方面的歧视. 的 University does not discriminate in its admissions practices [except as permitted by law], 在雇佣实践中, 或在其基于性/性别的教育计划或活动中. 作为教育活动的联邦财政援助的接受者, the University is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure that all of its education programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender.

    的 University also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution. 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会和家庭暴力, 跟踪是性别歧视的一种形式, 哪些是第九条和大学政策所禁止的.

    校园社区的任何成员, 客人, 或是装作不承认的访客, 剥夺, 或者限制教育, 就业, 住宅, 或者社会准入, 机会 and/or benefits of any member of the University 社区 on the basis of sex is in violation of the 性骚扰 & 不当行为的政策.

    Any person may report sex discrimination (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct), 在人, 通过邮件, 通过电话, 通过视频, 或者通过电子邮件, 使用下面列出的联系信息. 可在任何时间(包括非营业时间)提交报告。.

    关于第九条的问题, 包括其应用和/或对不合规的关注, 应该直接联系第九条协调员吗. 查看第九条协调员的联系信息, 保险单的完整副本, 或了解更多关于第九条的信息, 请访问 纽黑文.edu/titleix.

    认为自己遭受过性别歧视的人, 骚扰, and/or retaliation in the workplace or hiring process in violation of University policy should contact the following:

    (203) 932-7040

    个人也可以向适当的联邦机构提出申诉, 状态, 或当地机构在法律规定的时间内. 取决于投诉的性质, the appropriate agency may be the federal 平等就业机会委员会 (EEOC), 民权办公室(光学字符识别.S. 教育部, the 律政司, and/or the 人权委员会 & 机会.

    人权委员会 & 机会
    电话: (860) 566-7710

    波士顿,MA 02203-0506
    客户服务热线: (800) 669.4000
    Tdd #:(800) 669-6820

    U.S. 教育部,8楼
    客户服务热线: (617) 289-0111

    U.S. 教育部
    林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊部门. 教育大楼
    电话: 800-421-3481
    TDD: 800-877-8339

    U.S. 律政司
    华盛顿特区.C. 20530-0001
    客户服务热线: (202) 514-4609
    Tdd:(202) 514-0716

    在与此政策相关的任何解决过程中, University provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities and religious accommodations, 前提是这种安排符合州和联邦法律.

  • 网赌上分平台 is committed in achieving a diverse and pluralistic 社区, 这反映了美国多种族和多元文化的社会 through strict non-discrimination in admissions, educational programs and 就业. 的 commitment to Affirmative Action is also a commitment to be proactive in the continuing 努力使大学的教职员工和学生群体多样化. 的 University will base decisions on 就业 so as to further the principle of equal 就业机会.

    网赌上分平台的目标是在美国聘用最合格的人才 大学里的每一个职位. 大学致力于根据判断 关于个人资格、能力、技能的就业 经验和肯定地寻求吸引具有不同背景的人.

    的 University will recruit, hire, train, and promote persons in all job titles without 考虑到个人的性别、性取向、种族、肤色、个人外貌, 性别,性别认同或表达,婚姻状况,民事结合状况,国籍 出身,祖先,宗教,年龄,遗传信息,残疾(包括但不包括) limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical disability or learning disability) or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut 状态 和/或联邦非歧视法律.

    大学将确保晋升决定符合原则 平等的就业机会,只强加有效的晋升要求 机会. 大学将确保所有人事行动,如补偿、 benefits, transfers, layoffs, return from layoff, company-sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs will be administered without 考虑到个人的性别、性取向、种族、肤色、个人外貌, 性别,性别认同或表达,婚姻状况,民事结合状况,国籍 出身,祖先,宗教,年龄,遗传信息,残疾(包括但不包括) limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical disability or learning disability) or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut 状态 和/或联邦非歧视法律.

    如果您对此政策有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系珍妮花五, 负责人力资源和组织发展的副总裁, at (203) 932-7040 安排预约.

  • 多元化政策

    网赌上分平台 is committed to achieving a diverse and pluralistic 社区 that reflects the multiracial and culturally diverse society in contemporary America. 的 多样性 Committee has been established to guide the University in implementing 本多元化政策. 大学将努力吸引和留住优秀人才 多元化的教职员工和学生群体以创造多元化为目的 学术团体. 委员会将协助行政当局进行发展 and implementation of programs and policies that support an enriched educational experience 一个多元化的大学社区. 网赌上分平台不歧视学生 in admissions, educational programs, or 就业 against any individual on account 个人的性别、性别认同或表达、种族、肤色、宗教, 年龄,残疾,性取向,婚姻或民事结合状况,或国籍 民族起源.


    网赌上分平台 is committed to equal access in educational and 就业 机会 for all applicants, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender 身份或表达、国籍或种族、年龄、性取向、婚姻 or civil union status, or disabilities not related to performance, in compliance with 联邦和州法规. 福利,特权和机会提供的 网赌上分平台 are available to all students and employees on a nondiscriminatory 依据联邦和州法规. 在招收学生和 员工们,网赌上分平台赞同平权行动政策 机会均等. 关于平权法案、平等机会、 和第九条可直接向300的大学平权行动官员提出 Boston Post Road, 西黑文,康涅狄格州06516; 电话 203.932.7479.


    In support of the University’s commitment to achieve a diverse and pluralistic 社区 which reflects the multiracial and culturally diverse society in contemporary America, 大学成立了多元化委员会. 有了这个委员会,大学 will work towards attracting and retaining a diverse faculty, staff, and student body 以创造一个多元化的学术社区为目的. 委员会将 assist the administration in the development and implementation of programs and policies that support an enriched educational and 就业 experience for a diverse University 社区.